Promoted by Coldiretti, The Foundation “Campagna Amica” was born in 2008 to create occassions where the value and dignity of italian agriculture is fully expressed, highlighting its key role in; the conservation of the environment, the territory, traditions and culture, health, food safety, equity, access to food and fair prices, social and work aggregation. The campaign is addressed to the general public to help give answers to big questions related to real life problems such as nutrition, tourism, ecology, health and wellness. The campaign creates a new way of life that passes right through the heart of the Coldiretti companies, its markets and the “agritourism” rooted in the italian territory.
TN CoopersToneleria Nacional, today TN Coopers, has always dedicated itself to the research and development in the field of oak barriques and alternative products, reaching new and revolutionary forms in the union between wood and wine. TN Coopers became one of the leading companies in the sector, thanks to exclusive technologies, a complete range of products a capillary coverage of the market. Toneleria Nacional, with its central office in Chile, is present in 32 countries, on 5 continents and in the main wine regions of the world. Thanks to the vast distribution network, a personalized service and the support of well known international consultants, TN Coopers has been able to consolidate itself worldwide.
Vinegar Factory of CanossaVenturini Baldini is an historical estate, on the hills of Canossa in the province of Reggio Emilia. It boasts, along with its own cellar, the relais hotel “Roncolo 1888” just restructured with its villa dating back to the 16th century and its vinegar factory from the 17th century “Acetaia di Canossa”, among the oldest of the region. Tenuta is founded in 1976 by Carlo Venturini and Beatrice Baldini – is the property of the Prestia family since 2015. They have given life to a project which will renew the whole structure with the objective of increasing its value as part of the territory and its well known wine, Lambrusco, as well as its balsamic vinegar.
Vanturini BaldiniVenturini Baldini is an historical estate, on the hills of Canossa in the province of Reggio Emilia. It boasts, along with its own cellar, the relais hotel “Roncolo 1888” just restructured with its villa dating back to the 16th century and its vinegar factory from the 17th century “Acetaia di Canossa”, among the oldest of the region. Tenuta is founded in 1976 by Carlo Venturini and Beatrice Baldini – is the property of the Prestia family since 2015. They have given life to a project which will renew the whole structure with the objective of increasing its value as part of the territory and its well known wine, Lambrusco, as well as its balsamic vinegar.
Parmigiano ReggianoThe Consortium of Parmigiano Reggiano is the official company that associates all the producers of Parmigiano Reggiano cheeses. The Consortium was founded in 1934 with the function of protector, defender and promoter of the product, safeguarding its typical characteristics and advertising it to the world. In order to be deemed Parmigiano Reggiano, the cheese must be produced in the area of its origin that comprises the provinces of Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena, Mantova to the right of the Po river and Bologna to the left of the river. The following must happen in this area: the production of milk, the milk’s transformation into cheese, the maturation of the cheese, up to the minimum age ( 12 months) and the packaging and grating of the Parmigiano Reggiano DOP